Kubernetes Keeping configurations sane for multiple projects on Google Container Engine In my previous post, I present the easist and most secure way to get kubectl working for one project. But what about mutiple projects? Juggle mutiple projects on Google Container
Docker Docker Workflow In my previous posts, I demoed how to orchestrate Docker with Swarm and Kubernetes. They all assume the Docker image chenglong/simple-node is already there and ready to be deployed. But how to develop that image in the first place? How to streamline and
Docker Orchestrating Docker with Kubernetes This is my second post on Docker orchestration. In the first post, I demonstrated orchestrating Docker with Swarm, Machine, Compose and Consul. This post is to demonstrate orchestrating the same
Docker Orchestrating Docker with Swarm, Machine, Compose and Consul With multi-host networking ready for production and the announcement of Swarm 1.0, I think it's time to give Docker a serious try. This post details the steps I took to orchestrate a multi-host and multi-container app. Architecture This is a simple Node app
Docker Using Docker for Rails Development Why There are many use cases of Docker. I see people primarily using it for Continous Integration and deployment. But Docker is also good for development. The obvious advantages of