Full Access to Mobile Technologies Is NOT a Previlege, It's a RIGHT

It's the end of 2013. I would like to share some thoughts on the new mobile trend.

Several events happened in the second half of 2013:

Look at these phones, they all have decent display, CPU, camera, etc. And considering their prices, I realize that their value to price ratio is ridiculously high.

For less than $200, you don't have to look carefully at your small screen, you don't have to worry if your photos are clear enough, you don't have to worry whether your favourite apps can work on your phone, you won't be frustrated by bad user experience...

In the past, people have to pay at least $400+ to get a decent smartphone. With these low-cost and high-quality devices, it's NOT a previlege to gain full access to the latest mobile technologies anymore. It's a right. This is especially true in the developing countries.

According to this, half a billion people will buy a smartphone within $200 in 2014. When it's trivial to buy the latest technologies and lifestyle, why would people resist?

The future is mobile.

Happy New Year!